
     Kennel  GRAND AMITY was registered in 2001, but dachshunds accompanied our familly more then 30 years. 
     Small kennel is situated at the periferial part of Prague, close to the forrests. Our dogs lived in house, and can go to the garden, anytime they want to. 



All our stud dogs got "excellent" at dog shows, and do lot of working exams in Ist prize, and fox den trials too. Both  stud males have titles CACT and  Diviačiar (title for outstanding work in wild boar hunting) from international wild boar hunting trial. All of them are working in real wild boar hunting and fox hunting. All stud dog are negative for hereditary eye diseases.  
  We don't have many litters, but you can meet our dogs at Slovakia, Hungary and Finland too. 

Look to the past.....

     Our first dachshund was smoothaired standard bitch ELENA Vejčín, but unfortunatelly died by poisoning very soon. 

 ELENA Vejčín

Her younger sisetr JUNA Vejčín (born 1972) lived ten years with my grandparents in the country. She had excellent working ancestors (see pedigree)  but she was not used as game dog, so she often hunt cats and poultry, anytime she had opportunity.  

JUNA Vejčín JUNA Vejčín

   Our next dog, BERT - dachshund crossbred came, when we move to familly flat. He was very good friend to me and very good hunter.


     When Berd died, we brought smoothaired dachshund SAM z Havlínského vrchu. It was lucky choice, because breeders - Tater's familly had more then twenty years knowledge about breeding an they was always able to give advice with dog training. We had good luck with new puppy as well. Sam (called Dennis) was very good teacher - never run away, was good at fox den trials. Finally we attended few national and international club trials.   
     I started to thing about having bitch, but Mr. and Mrs. Tater offered me puppy, wich I can't say no - puppy from first crop of Ich. Dora Fino (for me, one of the most beatifull dachshund in CZ)  and world champion from Belgium - Royal of Lady Joan. DANNY z Havlínského vrchu (Dasty) was succesfull at dog shows, but while working, he had wild temperament. At trials, he was succesfull, or run away. His training needed lot of working but now he's most reliable dog for real hunting.   
     Another smoothaired - VIKI z Kozíčku was a present for my cousin, but when he grew up, he seems to be pretty and good working dog, with nice temperament  
     And finally come bitches - smoothaired PRIMA Rösler, wich I have thanks to friendship with her breeders and wirehaired  GAJA z Kozíčku. Gaja is not dog for shows or breedind, but stays with us for her excellent workung abilities.  
    Last dog in our pack for this moment  is wirehaired  ARMA od Baraního dolu, wich came at one year of age, but quickly became friend with us and other dachshunds. 


Where our dachshunds live.....


 Horní Počernice was a willage since 1974, then asimilated with Prague. Fortunatelly, there is still more nature and forrests then buildings and traffics. Sometimes in winter pheasants come to our garden.  There are rabbits too and forrests are full of deers and wild boars. In a near little lake is Gaja expert for hunting wild duck. 

ARMA na zahradě pohled z balkónu  pohled z balkónu pohled z balkónu tady končí naše ulice

(Our garden an places, where we going every day for a walk)


Where are our dachshunds usually hunting  .....

     Our dachshund most usually hunting in reviers  Činěves, Pavlíkov,  Mariánské Lázně, Něchov and last few years, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Spal, we most like Slabce near Rakovník. 

(Viki z Kozíčku hunting in Slabce with Ich. Sia Amery and Ch. Vicotria Amery)


Veterinary treatment

     We have veterinarian at home. With more hard cases we are going to Veterinary Clinic Kolmá, Praha 9. We went there first time, when our Sam was attacked by big crossbred dog and needed surgery. We see there higly proffessional treatment. 
     Eye background research Dr. Beránek, chairman of Comission of veterinarians for hereditary eye diseases.   


Few words about me.....

        When I was young, I trained working dog - boxers and mittle schnauzer. Our kennel is registered in Czech Dachshund Breeders Club (member of WUT) and I'm member of Slovak and German dachshund breeders clubs. 
I work at laboratory of immunogenetics and participate on investigation of genetic methods to detect hereditary eye diseases in dogs. I'm also member of Comission for health and breeding CMKU. I'm judge for trials ZV, LZ and BZ. 
I like horse riding, and the most beautifull country a have ever wisited was Australia.


Few information about hunting trials in Czech republic you can find here (Kennel Pavek's pages)